Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Help Us Help You: Act F.A.S.T

When stroke strikes act F.A.S.T

Help Us, Help You: Cancer – early diagnosis

If something in your body doesn’t feel right, don’t carry the worry of cancer with you.

Help with the cost of living

If you are struggling with the increases in food and energy bills and are struggling financially, help is available. You […]

Focused Care Workers

Please find below the link for the new Focused Care animation video: – Focused Care | Making the invisible, […]

Screening Leaflets

Breast Screening Cervical Screening Bowel Screening Bereavement Support


Please use the following services if you require assistance regarding monkeypox. Inbound Non-Clinical Enquiry Line 0333 2423 672 UKHSA dedicated […]

Hospitals in Greater Manchester

Hospitals in Greater Manchester are starting to resume non-urgent surgery and appointments. If your appointment or surgery was recently postponed, […]

Recording of Telephone Calls

All incoming and outgoing telephone calls will be recorded from 27th May 2021 for training and monitoring purposes.